Project Funders
The Three Nations Energy solar farm is a $7.76 million project that will generate 2.2MW of energy for the Fort Chipewyan community. Jointly owned by the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the Mikisew Cree First Nation, and the Fort Chipewyan Métis Nation, the project is designed to significantly reduce the dependence on carbon intensive diesel fuel and to replace it with clean renewable electricity. This system is the largest solar PV system in a remote Canadian community.
The 3NE solar farm will be located on approximately 6 hectares of land adjacent to the existing ATCO Third Lake Generating Station near the Fort Chipewyan airport. It will include approximately 6,000 ground-mounted solar photovoltaic panels, associated inverters and control systems.
Electricity produced is purchased by ATCO and is distributed throughout the community via the local electricity distribution system. Through its partnership with ATCO, the project avoids future tank farm expansion costs to the local community and the Alberta ratepayer.
The construction of the farm provided an estimated 40 jobs to local community members, plus a reduced dependence on diesel fuel and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.