Community Energy Planning

What is CEP?

A Community Energy Plan (CEP) allows a community to understand their energy use – where it comes from (supply), how it is used (demand), predict future energy requirements and then identify practical opportunities to:

  • Use energy more efficiently and reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Substitute cleaner more sustainable energy supplies for less sustainable and more carbon intensive sources of energy in order to meet current and future energy requirements.

Goals of the CEP

  1. Protect, respect, care for the environment
  2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change
  3. Reduce economic leakage…build energy independence
  4. Reduce operating costs
  5. Create employment
  6. Support development of sustainable revenue streams based on the emerging clean energy, low carbon economy
  7. Engage members in understanding and individual action
  8. Position your businesses to lead and provide services

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